GREE SVP: Mobile Devs Earning “Four Times and Beyond” Compared to Last Year

According to Anil Dharni, the iPad played a big role in catalyzing mobile gaming growth.

Senior Vice President of Stdio Operations at GREE Anil Dharni stated that compared to a year ago, lucrative mobile developers are now earning four times as much – and maybe even more.

Speaking to TechCrunch, he stated that, “It’s 4X and beyond in terms of revenue [compared to a year ago].”

And though he credits the iPad for helping to proliferate the growth in the mobile gaming industry – since many popular franchises like Angry Birds, Cut the Rope, Infinity Blade and more started out as iOS titles – Dharni is of the belief that Android would “grow faster this year”.

But enough to overtake Apple? That remains to be seen.

Of course the big question is whether mobile developers really are raking it in. This is an industry which, despite the millions of downloads, has seen its fair share of failures and ideas that never really took off. All of this is still relevant today – but it further reminds us that like console gaming industry, those at the top often stay at the top.

Source: GIBiz

androidGREEindustryIPadmobile gaming