Green Goblin, Loki, and More Coming To Disney Infinity 2.0

Loki! Green Goblin! Ronan The Accuser!

Disney Infinity 2.0: Marvel Super Heroes is tapping into properties from Disney’s newest acquisition- Marvel- to create a package that is simply irresistible. The opportunity to play as Marvel heroes within one video game, while also getting to collect figurines? I’ll be very surprised if Disney doesn’t make money hand over fist with the game.

But just to drive the point home, just to ensure success, Disney isn’t stopping at just including Marvel super heroes into the new game, they’re also going to be including Marvel super villains. That’s right, Disney Infinity will have highly bankable and marketable Disney super villains like Green Goblin, Ronan the Accuser, and of course, the current Marvel favorite heartthrob villain, Loki.

Disney Infinity: Marvel Super Heroes (2.0 Edition)- yes, that’s what it called, maybe Disney has been taking naming classes from Square Enix or Nintendo, I don’t know- will be out later this year. Stay tuned.

disney infinity