Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns Pre Purchases Available Right Now

Get it now, and get guaranteed access to beta events.

At the PC Gaming Show at E3 this year, ArenaNet took the stage in a segment dedicated exclusively to Guild Wars 2. Apart from detailing all the new features that the new expansion will bring and build upon, including Guild Halls and new world versus world features, ArenaNet also confirmed that Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns, the new (and first) expansion to the game, is available to pre-order on the Guild Wars 2 website right now.

Like with the pre-purchase for Guild Wars 2, pre-purchasing Heart of Thorns will also grant users guaranteed access to all beta and exclusive events that ArenaNet may hold for the game going forward.

Guild Wars 2 is one of the world’s top MMORPGs, having carved a niche for itself by having no subscription fee, a living, constantly evolving story, and a constant stream of content. The new expansion represents the first overhaul the game has gotten since its launch in 2012. Stay tuned to GamingBolt for more coverage and information.

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