Half Life In VR? Here’s What It Could Look Like

Fan-made trailer shows off previous Half Life titles in VR.

Valve Software’s Half Life 3 is one of those elusive mysteries that just goes unsolved. It’s out there. It’s not out there. It exists in some temporal space where it is simultaneously in and not in development. Regardless, if it ever did release, what would it look in VR? An erstwhile fan has created a VR trailer to showcase the first two games, Half Life and Half Life 2, so we do get a few hints. Check it out above.

The tech demonstration features dynamic lighting effects to muzzle flashes and tracers, barrel smoke, and several calibration fixes. The trailer drew praise from individuals within Oculus VR itself so you know that it’s money. Given that several Valve games like Team Fortress 2 are making the jump to Oculus, is it too big of a stretch to assume that Half life 3 could also support VR?

Regardless, the wait continues and another E3 will likely pass without any mention of Half Life 3. What are your thoughts on the above VR trailer? Let us know in the comments below.

Half Life 3OculusValve SoftwareVR