Here’s The First Teaser Trailer For ‘Hunt The Grey Wolf’ in Sniper Elite 3

One final shot.

Sniper Elite 3 is the upcoming third entry into the critically acclaimed World War II era first person shooting franchise; just a few weeks ago, ‘Hunt The Grey Wolf,’ an alternate history mission that sees players attempt to take down Nazi leader Adolf Hitler in 1942, was announced as pre-order bonus for the game, a hell of a cool pre-order bonus if there ever was one.

Anyway, now we get to have our first look at it- Hitler, code name “Grey Wolf”, and his double have embarked upon a secret trip to the town of Tobruk in 1942. In order to prepare for the crucial final shot, the player must infiltrate the ancient streets and explore crumbling rooftops using stealth and distraction for crucial intel as prepare for the deathblow. With an expansive open environment, and randomized target identities, journals and locations, we are promised that no two playthroughs will be the same, which should lend this mission extraordinary replay value.

Sniper Elite 3 is due out on Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, and PC later this year. Unlike Sniper Elite V2, no Wii U version of Sniper Elite 3 has been announced.

505 Games RebellionSniper Elite 3