Hungarian Developer Decides to Make A New Game… And It Looks Stunning

New game from Hungarian developer looks stunning.

What you see up there is a trailer for Meridian: New World. It is a new RTS releasing soon. It looks absolutely stunning, on par with the best releases in the genre and on the platform, such as the upcoming Total War: Rome II. And unlike Total War: Rome II, which is backed by behemoths Sega and The Creative Assembly, Meridian: New World has been created by a tiny Hungarian developer Ede Tarsoly.

Yes, that’s not the name of a studio.

Small studios making some incredible looking games that somehow outdo big budget productions isn’t actually all that uncommon. Before CD Projekt RED hit the big league, its Witcher games, made on small, limited budgets, entirely clowned RPG productions from RPG goliath Bioware. Metro: Last Light was made by a small, unimaginably underfunded studio, and it is one of the best looking games on the market.

But this is an extreme case. This is as close to David and the Goliath as the video games industry gets. I mean, damn.

Check out the trailer and tell us what you think. And be sure to keep an eye out on the game from now on. I know I will.

meridian: new worldRTS