If You Live In The UK, You Can Score A White PS4 For Cheap

Less than 300 bucks, in fact.

The white PS4 is, somehow, actually more expensive in the UK than the regular black PS4 is. Somewhere, there is something very messed up in Sony charging people more for a color option, but we’ll skip past that part for now, and we’ll instead focus on this rather cool deal that lets you get one of them in the UK for cheaper than usual.

The Glacier White model, which usually goes for £349, is currently available for £299.97, less than £300. At this price point, notably, it would be cheaper even than the regular black model.

Note that this offer is only being offered by GAME in the UK, and that so far, it seems to be limited to their website only. Still, ahead of the holiday shopping season, it’s a good deal, and a pretty tempting price, so if you want to get one for yourself, just follow this link.
