Incognito Becomes Invisible Inc., A Procedurally Generated XCOM Inspired Stealth Game

Check out the trailer inside.

The next game by the Don’t Starve developers, known as Incognito so far, has now had a name change and will be called Invisible Inc. What you see above is the first trailer, made entirely using alpha footage.

Invisible Inc. seems to be a procedurally generated, XCOM inspired top down stealth game; the XCOM inspirations are not limited to just how it looks (it’s got a grid that restricts movement, for example), but are also more overt- for instance, permadeath exists within this game, meaning if your character dies once, it’s dead forever.

The game is due out on PC for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux; it will eventually be sold through Steam, but right now the only way to purchase it is over the developer’s website, where there are several discounts and bundles available to make the game and its purchase seem more alluring.

Stay tuned to GamingBolt for more coverage.

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