Infinity Ward: Focus on Fish AI during Call of Duty: Ghosts Unveiling Was ‘A Joke’

It was all a joke, insists the producer.

One of the more notable parts of the original Xbox One reveal back on May 21 was the world premier of Call of Duty: Ghosts, the next title in Activision’s annual blockbuster shooter franchise. However, the debut was sort of anti climactic, with the game not really looking all that hot, especially when compared with some of the other next gen titles we had already seen by that point, and because of Infinity Ward’s insistence on highlighting some rather banal stuff- from the dog in the game that accompanies you to the fish AI that ‘move out of the way realistically when you get close to them.’ This prompted lots of jeering and memes on the internet.

However, in a recent interview with Machinima yesterday, Infinity Ward’s Mark Rubin claimed that the focus on the fish AI had been facetious: “It’s just fish, it’s an effect. It’s not a big deal. It’s not even new. I love that the internet picked up on it. I love that they picked up on Nintendo 64′s Mario, and showed that. That was awesome. That was so exactly what I wanted out of that, so thank you guys. Thank you internet.”

Maybe it was a joke, bit then again, maybe it wasn’t. In any case, it’s too late now to retract the impression that they were being serious. Guess the joke’s on you, Rubin, anyway…

Call of Duty: GhostsInfinity Ward