Insider Hinting at New PS4 JRPG Announcement at the PlayStation Experience Event

All good things come to those who wait.

Man, with all of this hype, the PlayStation Experience Event that Sony has planned for early December better be worth it.

At this point, we already know the developers who will be participating in the event. We know some of the games they plan on showing off. These games range from first party to third party, indie to AAA, western to Japanese, and cover the full range of genres. Now, an insider is adding fuel to the fire of the hype, and telling us that PlayStation 4 JRPG will also be present at the event.

Industry insider Tidux has been known to make at least some correct assessments in the past, and, relating to JRPGs and the PlayStation Experience, he said, rather cryptically, ‘All good things come to he who waits.’

Of course, this could mean any number of things- we might be getting a better look at any one of the multitude of JRPGs already announced for the system (Final Fantasy XV, Ys, Kingdom Hearts 3, Persona 5); then again, we might just be seeing something altogether new. What could it possibly be? Would it be the revival of an old franchise, or an altogether new one? Could we, perhaps, be seeing the triumphant return of Dragon Quest to PlayStation with Dragon Quest XI announced for PS4?

We’ll see. Stay tuned to GamingBolt for all coverage.

Deep Downdragon questfinal fantasy XVJRPGKingdom Hearts 3Persona 5playstation experienceps4ys