Itagaki Ready To Reveal Devil’s Third… Again

Maybe this time it will be for real!

Remember Devil’s Third? The promising third person action game by Itagaki, the guy who brought us the incredible Ninja Gaiden (and Black) on the original Xbox, which was under development by his team with THQ publishing it? You remember how it got lost in the THQ turbulence and then vanished without a trace? Well, apparently Itagaki is getting ready to reveal it again as per his Facebook page.

‘As already announced, we’ll finally reveal “Devil’s Third” this year!

You can see that we’ve upgraded our title logo. I wanted to go for the metallic feeling of the Breitling that I love so much. But I don’t really wanna tell you exactly why, sorry ;D’ he said.

The new logo is pictured above; as to the fate of the game, it is a good guess that it has been acquired by Microsoft and become an Xbox One exclusive. The company needs some compelling Japanese content to make a case for the Xbox one as a viable platform in Japan, and Devil’s Third would be a good start. That, plus the fact that Itagaki and Microsoft have a good working relationship, and that Microsoft’s Phil Spencer was heavily hinting at a high profile Japanese exclusive recently, make a strong case for the game having gone over to the Xbox One.

But we’ll find out soon enough anyway.

devil's thirditagakithqValhalla Game Studios