Iwata: Not Every 3DS Game Has to be 3D

Satoru Iwata has recently confirmed in a recent investors meeting that Nintendo is looking into developing 3DS games that do not utilize the 3D capabilities of the handheld, and are instead developed keeping the handheld’s other unique capabilities, like the gyroscope and accelerometer, the cameras, the augmented reality capabilities and the microphone, in mind.

“I think there could be a Nintendo 3DS software title which does not use the 3D feature at all, and I believe Nintendo will develop such software,” he said. “Instead, other features of the Nintendo 3DS should be focused on. It might be a communication feature, or other functions (such as the gyro sensor or the motion sensor). The important thing is that each respective software title has its own characteristics, and appeals to the consumers in a way that fits the software. So I am not worried in a way like, ‘The value of the Nintendo 3DS will decrease when the novelty of 3D wears off.'”

It is important to note that nowhere does he say that 3D is a gimmick, or that it will be ditched entirely. He is just saying that not every title needs to have 3D, that shoehorning 3D into games that have no need for it can only propagate the perception that 3D is a cheap visual gimmick.

It will be interesting to see what kind of titles Nintendo looks to develop when they make games without 3D. No doubt we can expect them to utilize the 3DS’s capabilities in some previously unconsidered manner.
