Judgment’s Prologue Demo Is Live Now

The detective game's whole prologue is now playable for free.

The latest game from RGG Studios, Judgment, came out in the west earlier last month to some pretty rave reviews, including ours. The game is a Yakuza spin-off that plays similarly to those titles with more focus on the detective aspect and with a story told through that lens. If you aren’t sure about trying out the game, you’re getting a chance now to take a free dip in the waters, as the prologue is available via a free demo.

The demo will cover the game’s whole prologue, which is a decent chunk of the game’s beginning. It’ll give you a good idea of how the game plays, its story, and the localization that Sega put lot of time into. Not only that, the progress you make will carry over if you decide to buy the full game- can’t beat that deal.

Judgment is available now exclusively for PlayStation 4. The Prologue demo is live on the PS Store now. To get an idea of the technical aspect of the game, you can read full breakdown through here.

Judgmentps4RGG StudiosSega