Kid Icarus: Uprising gets an info blowout; story, weapons, vehicles and more

We have some new details for the story and single-player mode from Kid Icarus: Uprising for you, and they are quite meaty. The story detail is sort of a synopsis, so there aren’t many spoilers here.

The game comes out on March 23rd for the Nintendo 3DS. We have new details on the weapons, vehicles, stand and how the game functions with the circle pad pro accessory.

Story: “The game’s story begins with the return of the dark goddess Medusa and her Underworld Army. With the help of Palutena, goddess of light and guardian of the human race, the heroic angel Pit must combat the forces of darkness as he battles Medusa and her minions by air and by land.”

Pit, who is the main character will have access to some vehicles in the game, namely an Exo Tank. You can use the tank’s abilities to defeat enemies and jump over obstacles.

There are nine categories of weapons said to be available, which ensures replay value, according to Nintendo. These weapons range from bows to claws and you can select them depending on your style. You will also get a free stand with every copy of the game, which holds the Nintendo 3DS at an angle above any flat surface.

It is said to enhance the experience.

Lastly, if you are a left-handed player, then the circle pad pro will come in handy. If you decide to use it then you can hold the circle pad pro with your right hand and the stylus with the left hand.

They have also revealed some new details about Field’s Cauldron. You can check it below.

The Fiend’s Cauldron is an incredible new system that allows players to customize their play experience by adjusting the intensity level. Intensity ranges from 0.0 – 9.0 for each individual Chapter. As the intensity increases, players will be able to earn more Hearts and more powerful weapon drops from defeated enemies.

Hearts also can be used to purchase new weapons. The standard intensity setting is 2.0, but players can precisely adjust it by increments of 0.1. In order to increase the intensity, players must bet by placing an increasing number of Hearts into the Fiend’s Cauldron. If the player is defeated during the Chapter, some Hearts will be lost and the intensity will be lowered.

Tell us what you think in the comments section below.

Nintendo via Gamertag Radio.

3DSkid icarus: uprisingNintendo