Let It Die Surpasses 2 Million Downloads

People won't let this game die.

I’m not sure many people expected much from GungHo Entertainment’s Let It Die, right until the moment it released- at which point, it revealed itself to be an excellent, compelling roguelike, that everyone ended up falling in love with. This reflected in the success the game saw, too- last month, GungHo revealed that the game had crossed a million downloads worldwide.

Today, that number has climbed up to 2 million downloads worldwide, meaning a lot more people have been playing and trying Suda51’s free to play roguelike action game for themselves. While we don’t know how many people have purchased content for the game, or how much – since this is how the game will actually make money, this is the metric that we presume GungHo are most interested in – but if so many people are playing the game, it’s not a stretch to assume that a lot of them may be purchasing content for it, too.

Let It Die is available exclusively on the PS4.

Grasshopper ManufactureGungHo EntertainmentLet It Dieps4