Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga + Bowser’s Minions Announced For Nintendo 3DS

ANOTHER new game announcement for the 3DS...

The Nintendo 3DS will never die. This year, it’s received a new Yoshi, Dragon Quest, and Fire Emblem, with a new Pikmin, Pokemon, and Metroid game still in bound. And Nintendo has gone ahead and announced Mario and Luigi: Sueprstar Saga + Bowser’s Minions, a remake of the beloved first Mario and Luigi RPG on the Gameboy Advance with expanded content, coming to the Nintendo 3DS later this year.

The game will have remade pixel art from the original GBA game, while it will have updated animations using the engine used for 3DS Mario and Luigi games. The new content will be a new episode for the story, and will apparently have a new battle system. It seems like a good remake for a beloved game.

You can check out the announcement trailer for the game below. It’s due out, exclusively on the now in its seventh year and still going strong Nintendo 3DS, on October 6.

AlphaDreamE3 2017mario and luigi: superstar saga + bowser's minionsNintendoNintendo 3DS