Mark Hamill bids farewell to The Joker

Batman: Arkham City is now out all over the world for the Xbox 360 and PS3, and it’s been met with phenomenal reception from all over, including us. One of the finest highlights of the game, and of its predecessor, and the legendary Animated series, and the Batman franchise in general, is Joker.

And it’s no secret that most of Batman fans believe Mark Hamill to be the best rendition of Joker ever, over Jack Nicholson in the original Batman movie and Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight.

But it seems like Hamill’s voice over for Joker in Batman: Arkham City was the last time he’s ever lent his voice for the character. In a tweet, he wrote a message that clearly indicated that Arkham City was Hamill’s Joker’s last hurrah.

He said: “Hello/Goodbye Joker! I’ve enjoyed every minute behind the wheel of the Crown Prince’s crazy car- I’m going to miss him more than I can say!!”

This is a real bummer. Mark Hamill has to be the best Joker ever- the Animated Series, the animated films, Arkham Asylum, Arkham City… the truest, most badass, most awesome rendition of The Joker there ever was. So much so, that people might even recognize him more for his VO as The Joker than his role as Luke Skywalker in Star Wars.

Hats off to you, Mr. Hamill. If you truly are going, you’ll be missed.

batman arkham city