Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order Japanese Trailer Shows Winter Solider, Medusa, And Black Bolt

Some unexpected faces pop up in this Japanese spot.

A lot of the Marvel buzz is about Sqaure Enix’s Marvel’s The Avengers off it’s still fresh E3 reveal, but there’s another Marvel game coming up soon that’s stuffed to the gills with heroes from the company, Nintendo and Team Ninja’s Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order. We’ve had lot of looks at the game’s vast roster, but a new Japanese trailer may have shown a few more.

You can see the trailer below. It focuses on the gameplay, but features three heroes we haven’t seen before. One is the well known Winter Solider of Captain America fame, with the other two coming from maybe the less known Inhuman side of things with Medusa and Black Bolt. It doesn’t show them in a playable state, so we can’t take that as confirmation they definitely will be, but odds are good considering the game doesn’t throw lot of non-playable characters at you.

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order releases on the Nintendo Switch on July 19th.

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: Black OrderNintendonintendo switchTeam Ninja