Medal of Honor Devs Form New Studio

EA’s LA Studio, which is currently developing Medal of Honor, has re-branded itself, and shall now be known as Danger Close Games, a brand that will represent how the studio will be “pushing the boundaries and taking chances.”

Danger Close Games will only be consisting of the team behind Medal of Honor. The rest of the guys at EALA, those behind strategy projects and music games, will remain as EALA.

The devs say the name signifies and symbolizes what will now be their main franchise, Medal of Honor. “When an individual is calling in for danger close fire, it’s the decision to take a chance, rather than sit back and call in from afar,” Goodrich said.

On Medal of Honor’s Afghanistan war backdrop, Goodrich said: “It may be controversial, but we felt it needed to be told, and we’re telling it with respect and authenticity, to shine a light on these guys.”

After several delays, the Medal of Honor XBox 360 beta went online recently.

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