Mega Sableye Revealed for Pokemon OmegaRuby and AlphaSapphire

When in Hoenn, do as Hoenn does.

Pokemon OmegaRuby and AlphaSapphire are the upcoming remakes to the eleven year old Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire; upon their announcement, most people expected the games, that are based on the same engine that powered last year’s Pokemon X and Y, to expand the roster of Pokemon Mega-evolutions a fair bit, and Nintendo and Game Freak have already delivered on that front, with all three starters already confirmed for Mega-evolutions.

Now, Nintendo and Game Freak have gone ahead and confirmed a Mega-evo for Sableye as well. Sableye was a Ghost type Pokemon, and he was a really cool design, though his stats ultimately made him unviable for higher level competitive play.  It’s nice to see Game Freak return to an older, more obscure fan favorite design and attempt to update it.

Pokemon OmegaRuby and AlphaSapphire are due out on the Nintendo 3DS on November 28, 2014. Stay tuned for more coverage of the game.

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