Platinum Games is known for its incredibly sense of style, and its over the top approach to making action games- it is an approach that has served it well, and netted us amazing games like Bayonetta, The Wonderful 101, or Vanquish. It is also an approach that means it is very well suited to tackle some properties and make games out of them.
We saw Platinum attempt to do it with Legend of Korra last year, and this year at E3, it was announced they were developing Transformers: Devastation. And now, it sounds like Platinum Games’ Saito, who was also the leading force of Metal Gear Solid Revengeance, wants to do Kill La Kill or Berserk game.
It makes sense, I think they would do good with both the licenses- but as of right now, remember, this is just an answer to a fan question, and nothing more. But hey, Platinum wanted to do a Star Fox game, and they got it the upcoming Star Fox Zero is them. So who knows, really?