Metroid Prime Trilogy HD And Super Metroid Remake Rumored For Switch

Two fan favorites are allegedly coming over the next two fiscal years.

The beginning of this year saw some sad news for Metroid fans when it was announced that Metroid Prime 4‘s development had effectively been scrapped and restarted with Retro Studios at the helm. While a new Metroid Prime helmed by Retro make fans lick their lips, no doubt, it also means we won’t see that game for a good while. So, are Metroid fans doomed to starve? Well, we’re used to it, but if an alleged leak is true, maybe there will be something to munch on until Prime 4.

According to LeakyPandy, there’s not just one game planned before Prime 4 but actually two. They say that over the next two fiscal years Nintendo will finally release a HD version of Metroid Prime Trilogy as well as a remake of Super Metroid in the style and scope of Samus Returns.

Obviously, like all leaks we have to file this under speculation, but LeakyPandy has had some good scopes in the past (though they have also had some duds, to be fair) and the Metroid Prime Trilogy, at least, has been something rumored for well over year. Fingers crossed we’re not just being taken for a ride as both titles would make the wait for Metroid Prime 4 a little easier.

metroid prime trilogyNintendonintendo switchSuper Metroid