MGS: Peace Walker gets Limited Edition Bundle, slated for June release

VG247 states that SCEA have just announced a limited edition PSP bundle pack for Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, slated to launch with the game’s release, which is on June 8 for US and June 18th for UK.

The bundle includes a Spirited Green PSP 3000, the game in UMD form, a PSN movie voucher and a 2gb Memory Stick PRO Duo for $199.99.

This is the first time the Spirited Green PSP will be sold in North America. Peace Walker also includes special in-game content such as an exclusive camoflauge uniform with FOX logos and a Stealth Gun feature (both of which will be unlocked early in the game).

The Title for the downloadable movie will be determined at a later date.

Spirited Green PSP-3000

Metal Gear Solid: Peace WalkerpspPSP Go