Mike Capps, president of Epic Games, said to GI Biz that the new Epic IP is much more different than the usual stuff they make. It will be revealed on Saturday at the VGAs. He mentioned that most of the people who worked on the Gears series were tired and wanted to try something new.
“It’s something radically different for us. New IP, new game.
“We love Gears, it was a great trilogy, we’ve gotten a lot of great compliments and a lot of great fans, and we’re still supporting Gears 3 very strongly, but I’ve got guys that have been on it since 2001, and some of them need a break and to try something new.
“So this is going to be one of those projects where we try something totally different, and it just went ‘boom’, because everyone had this pent up energy to do something new. And I can’t wait for them to get back to something like Gears in the future, because it’s sort of our bread and butter, and they’re going to be more energised for it to.”
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