Minion Masters On Xbox One X Will Run In ‘Glorius’ Quality, Dev Explains Lack of PS4 Release

Betadwarf talks about pushing the limits on Microsoft's upgraded console.

Enough has been said about who the Xbox One X is for and whether consumers will actually partake of it (which they seem to be, given how quickly the Project Scorpio Edition was selling). One thing that can’t be denied is the sheer power of the machine though. Even if it can’t do native 4k/60 FPS for every title, it’s pushing the boundaries of what’s capable on a home console by a wide margin.

GamingBolt spoke to Betadwarf’s Steffen Kabbelgaard, who’s working on Minion Masters: Forced to Duel for the PC and Xbox One, and asked him about the consoles memory. Compared to other consoles, the Xbox One X has a whopping 9 GB of GGDR5 RAM for use in game development, which is higher than the average gaming PC. How has this helped the developer in terms of quality?

Kaabelgaard noted that, “Again we have to think of the baggage of the backwards compatibility, so the full potential won’t be realized. However, as we’re already developing for PC with a wide hardware target, the Xbox One X will enable users to experience Minion Masters in what we call “Glorious” quality – the one that really pushes the limits.”

All talk of the Xbox One X’s power aside, why did Betadwarf opt to release Minion Masters: Forced to Duel on the Xbox One but not on the PS4? Considering the latter has a higher install base, you’d think it’d be more beneficial for the developer.

“Quite simply we received a unique opportunity to work with Microsoft as they would really like to bring more games like ours to the platform. It’s a little explored genre and should provide players with a whole new genre of fun,” replied Kaabelgaard.

The Xbox One X is out on November 7th for $499 with Minion Masters: Forced to Duel currently available for PC via Steam.

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