Mistborn Author Brandon Sanderson is Working on a Game That’ll Probably be Announced in 2022

Sanderson says that he's been working on this project "for several years" at this point, but it isn't based on any of his properties.

George R.R. Martin’s been involved in the development of the upcoming Elden Ringbut it seems like he’s not the only major fantasy author who’s got things going on in the games industry. Brandon Sanderson, author of Mistborn, Stormlight Archive, the final three instalments of The Wheel of Time, and more, is working on a game as well.

Sanderson recently published a year-end blog update, and while looking ahead at the stuff he’s got cooking up for 2022, he briefly touched on video games as well. Sanderson says he’s been working on a game for “a few years”- the project is apparently not based on one of his properties, but is instead something new entirely.

As for which developer he’s working with, it might not necessarily be who you’d expect. Sanderson writes, “It’s a game company many of you will have heard of, but probably not the one you’re thinking about right now.  Not that other one either.”

Interestingly, as per Sanderson, this new game is apparently going to be announced in 2022, so we should find out more about it in the not-too-distant future.

Sanderson has previously also written two novellas set in Epic Games’ iOS action RPG series Infinity Blade.

brandon sanderson