More American Gamers Want To Buy Nintendo Switch and PS4 Pro Than Xbox One Scorpio- Study

More gamers are aware of the Switch and the Pro than Scorpio to begin with.

ps4 xbox switch

This last year has been super exciting for console gamers- Sony has already launched a new console, the PS4 Pro, Nintendo just launched the Nintendo Switch, and Microsoft is looking to launch the Xbox One Scorpio later this year.

Of these, it sounds like the Switch is definitely enjoying the most awareness and intent to purchase among American gamers, with the PS4 Pro following in second place, and the Xbox One Scorpio in last place. Statistics firm Nielsen released its U.S. Games 360 report, which reveals that 13% of American gamers intend to purchase the Scorpio, and 15% intend to purchase the PS4 Pro. The Switch takes this with 16% of gamers intending to pick one up. If you look at the American public in general, the numbers for the Scorpio, Pro, and Switch drop to 9%, 11%, and 12% respectively.

A lot of this may have to do with the fact that most people don’t actually even seem to be aware of the Scorpio, with only 14% of the gamers professing to know what it is; the PS4 Pro came in at 27%, while the Switch, again, topped the chart with 29% (which probably has something to do with Nintendo’s excellent marketing for the system so far).

Of course, the Switch and the PS4 Pro are already out, while the Scorpio is not- and its awareness and intent to purchase numbers could easily go up following E3 next month. So while this report is an interesting snapshot of the state of the general American gamer’s mindset as it is now, do remember that now is not necessarily representative of how things will be even a month from now.

nintendo switchps4 proxbox one scorpio