More Evidence Emerges That PS2 Backwards Compatibility Is Coming to PS4

Please just let this happen already.

At this point in time, the question of PS2 backwards compatibility on PS4 has almost become like a Ross and Rachel ‘will they/won’t they’ gag. Right after we reported, yesterday, that the screenshots pertaining to PS2 backwards compatibility upcoming on PS4 might in fact be faked, more evidence has come to light that is implying that this may in fact be happening after all, and as soon as the upcoming 3.00 update.

PlayStation Lifestyle has received an entirely new set of screenshots that show the PS2 game Siren being played on the PS4; in other screens, we can also see the PS2 game War of the Monsters being played on the system. At this point, extending the ‘it’s faked!’ explanation is reaching the points of absurdity. Where there is smoke, there is fire, and there is a hell of a lot of smoke here, that is for sure.

What PS2 era games would you like to see on the PS4? Would you also like to see all the ones that they have already released on the PS3 make it over? Let us know in the comments below.

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