Mount and Blade May Be Coming to Consoles

We need more information before we can be excited!

PC gamers are probably familiar with Mount and Blade the name, even if they are not familiar with Mount and Blade the game(s). The games are a series of mass action games for the PC, featuring a highly active and engaged modding community, and some rather unique takes on combat. The titles have been wildly successful within their reach, reach which is admittedly limited, but was assumed to always remain that way, owing to just how PC specific these games seem to be.

Well… that might be changing. In an interview with Turkish newsmagazine (translation provided by DualShockers), TaleWorlds’ Armagan Yavuz stated that the upcoming Mount and Blade II has been designed with the home consoles in mind, and that it is in fact probably coming to home consoles.

This is a pretty darn big deal- the caveat being that the developer itself has not yet confirmed anything, so it might just be a false alarm.

Still, this could mean the consoles getting another quality series, with the flipside of the series’ appeal being diluted to accommodate the consoles to begin with. We’ll see.

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