Mutant Mudds Deluxe and Super Meat Boy Confirmed For Nintendo Switch

The Switch continues to get great indie game support.

The Nintendo Switch continues its stellar run of independent game support, with two great, acclaimed indie games having been confirmed for Nintendo’s new hybrid system recently. The first is the excellent Super Meat Boy, one of the most acclaimed platformers of all time, which has finally been officially confirmed for a Switch release. The Switch version doesn’t have a release date yet, but hopefully it should be soon. The developers also hinted on Twitter that it may get a retail release.

Meanwhile, Mutant Mudds Deluxe, another indie hit platformer, has also been confirmed for a Nintendo Switch release. This game, too, was confirmed on Twitter. Mutant Mudds was first released on the Nintendo 3DS all the way back in 2011- so this marks a homecoming of sorts for the game. As with Super Meat Boy, no final release date has been confirmed for Mutant Mudds Deluxe yet.

Hopefully, the Switch continues receiving this kind of stellar support from independent game developers- it truly is the best machine to play those games on.

mutant muddsNintendonintendo switchSuper Meat Boy