Mysterious Bandai Namco Trademark Appears, Titled ‘Enterteria’

A totally vague trademark appears.

Now this is completely mysterious and unexpected. It’s been revealed that Bandai Namco has filed a new trademark in Australia at the very tale end of May, with the mysterious trademark for “Enterteria” being granted to the company. There’s nothing else here to go on, since Bandai Namco hasn’t announced a project that has anything to do with “Enterteria” as of now. But hey, E3 2018 is coming up fast so we will probably know more about it in the coming weeks.

The trademark can be see on the World Intellectual Property Organization website. You can check that out over here. This registration is so vague that it’s next to impossible to make any sort of educated guess, so we will leave that hard work to you. So sound off in the comments section below and let us know your thoughts.

Stay tuned to Gamingbolt as this story develops.

bandai namcoEnterteria