Naughty Dog to help Guerilla Games in the development of Killzone 3

With one of our earlier articles posted today, we gave you guys some info about the upcoming sequel to the highly acclaimed Killzone 2, and now, its been said that the developer of another great title, Naughty Dog, will be helping out Guerilla Games in Killzone 3.

Naughty Dog is supposed to help Guerilla Games regarding the graphics department of Killzone 3, which will probably mean that as much as Killzone 2 is one of the best looking titles to date, Killzone 3 is likely to surpass its predecessor, now with the help of the developer who also developed a title that is one of the best looking games of all time, expect your mind to blow once again.

Even Though we only know that ND will help them out with graphics, that does not mean ND can help GG regarding other stuff.

Killzone 3 is likely to debut at Sony’s Press Conference, expect a lot of info blow out, and maybe even a release date (i’m thinking 2011).