NES Classic Edition’s New Trailer Revives The Old Slogan: Now You Are Playing With Power

Nostalgia alert!

Nintendo used to have one of the best slogans for their products back in the day, the refrain that set their products apart from just about every other competing product on the market, and instantly sold Nintendo as cool, hip, and happening. it was quintessentially ’80s, and it remains one of their most enduring marketing legacies yet.

And now they are bringing it back. With the launch of the NES Mini later this year, the new emulation box that will let players play classic Nintendo games over an HDMI enabled box, Nintendo have also revived the marketing slogan that accompanied their very first system: ‘Now you are playing with power.’

Yup, it’s back. And it is every bit as giddily awesome as you would imagine. You can check it out at the end of this (otherwise really good) trailer introducing the new system below. The NES Mini launches later this year.

nes miniNintendo