New Command and Conquer Video Shows Off Bioware’s Upcoming Take on Classic RTS

New video shows off the upcoming RTS in the classic franchise.

I’ll be honest, nothing I have heard of the upcoming Victory Games helmed take on the classic RTS Command and Conquer has been encouraging. The fact that the game was given to Bioware’s studios to begin with was troubling, but then its metamorphosis into a free to play ‘platform’ as described by EA was even worse. What excitement there might have been for the game upon its initial announcement was effectively killed when that last was revealed.

Now, the newest video that EA have released showcasing their upcoming game might not fully change your mind on the entire idea, but at the very least, it gives us an in depth look at the game, and it doesn’t look all that awful. I still can’t say it looks good, or that I am excited, but it at least doesn’t look like absolute crap like I was afraid it would.

Check out the video and let us know what you think. Also, apologies for the subtitles that simply cannot be turned off.

command and conquerEAVictory Games