New Gameplay Trailer For Pokemon Has A Surprise

It's a mega-surprise.

Pokemon OmegaRuby and AlphaSapphire, the 3DS exclusive remakes of the hit, cult favorite Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire from over a decade ago, just received a new trailer, that not only gave fans some delicious footage of their favorite Hoenn gyms and Elite 4 leaders in glorious polygonal 3D, it also explained how secret bases, which are making a return, will work (fully online, fully customizable, fully shareable), as well as hinting at the return of the much lauded Pokemon Contests from this entry, showing us what looks like an intriguing mix of the Pokemon dressing game from Diamond and Pearl, and Pokemon Amie from X and Y.

But undoubtedly, competitive Pokemon players will like what is right at the very end of the trailer the most- the unveil of Mega Metagross.

Metagross is one of the most powerful Pokemon in the metagame, so powering it up further via a Mega-Evolution promises all sorts of interesting twists and shakeups of the tier chart.

Pokemon OmegaRuby and AlphaSapphire launches on the Nintendo 3DS on November 21.

game freakNintendoNintendo 3DSpokemon omegaruby and alphasapphire