New Map Of Hoenn Shows Location of All Catchable Pokemon in Pokemon

This should help in catching them all.

In Pokemon OmegaRuby and AlphaSapphire, you can catch a staggering amount of Pokemon- as a matter of fact, no previous Pokemon game has made as many Pokemon catcheable within it as OmegaRuby and AlphaSapphire do. With so many Pokemon to hunt down and catch, it can become a little daunting to even try- even though the new DexNav utility, which revolutionizes gameplay and represents the purest vision of Pokemon’s philosophy yet, helps.

But if you wanted a definitive guide of all Pokemon available in Hoenn, broken down by geographic location, then this map (click to enlarge) will certainly help. It basically lists every single Pokemon that you can find on every single route. Think of it as a visual checklist. In conjunction with your DexNav, it should make hunting for Pokemon a breeze.

Pokemon OmegRuby and AlphaSapphire launched last month exclusively for the Nintendo 3DS, and we absolutely loved them. Check out our review for them.

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