New Nintendo Direct Announced for Tomorrow


Nintendo Direct is back!

After a mysterious absence all year long (outside of smaller, region or game specific Directs that quite frankly just aren’t the same as the full fledged ones), Nintendo has finally announced brand new Nintendo Direct, scheduled for November 5, at 5PM ET/4PM CT/2PM PT.

They’re being awfully coy about this Direct as well- apart from confirming that Nintendo’s CEO (who’d been out of the limelight for a while because of his illness) will be hosting the presentation, they’re refusing to tell us anything about it, only telling us that it will cover ‘upcoming 3DS and Wii U games.’ That could mean anything from just covering games scheduled for release through to the end of this year, to them fleshing out and detailing their release schedule well into 2015 as well. Which means there is a legitimate chance of us seeing highly anticipated games like Xenoblade Chronicles X, Splatoon, and Yoshi’s Wooly World tomorrow.

Just stay tuned to GamingBolt, and we’ll keep you posted on the developments.

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