New Rain Developer Diary Talks About Crafting A Story You Can Get Emotionally Immersed In

New developer diary talks about the game's emotional responses.

Sony’s PlayStation 3 support is seriously to be commended. With Microsoft having left the Xbox 360 to largely fend for itself as it prepares for the upcoming Xbox One launch, and Nintendo all but dropping Wii support a year before the Wii U launched, Sony has set an exemplary precedent for the entire industry, having launched so many major exclusives for their soon to be obsolete platform this year, with more coming up.

One of these is Rain, a highly tense new adventure game coming to PlayStation 3 later this year from Japan Studio. If the game hasn’t caught your eye yet, or if you don’t know what it is about, make sure to check out the developer diary above. It talks about the crafting of a game world that the player responds to emotionally, while also showing off new gameplay footage.

Rain is a PSN only release on the PlayStation 3. It launches later this year.

PSNrainSony Japan Studio