New Rocksmith 2014 Trailer Shows Off Session Mode

Lead your own band.

Ubisoft’s upcoming Rocksmith 2014, the newest addition to their music, guitar playing video game with a highly authentic twist, is possibly being eagerly anticipated by music enthusiasts worldwide; after showing off some of the more authentic features and modes in the game, Ubisoft have now given us a taste of its Session Mode.

Session Mode allows the player to lead an artificially intelligent band that plays along with them and reacts dynamically to what they are playing, essentially giving them the full band experience right off the bat. It’s a more video gamey concept, but the game retains its penchant for authenticity even now- it’s a more advanced feature, but Rocksmith 2014 Edition has missions to guide the player through it if they are a beginner. Experts can jump right in and play along the entire guitar neck by zooming out. The mode technically (although not officially) supports any electronic instrument with a 1/4″ jack. It also has support for multiplayer.

We will have more for you on this game. Stay tuned.

rocksmith 2014Ubisoft