New The Witcher 3 Details: Monster Hunting, Detailed World, and Much More

New details on the final entry in the trilogy emerge.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, hitting the Xbox One, Playstation 4, and PC next year, is the final installment in The Witcher trilogy of acclaimed role playing games, and as such, focuses heavily on giving closure to and concluding the story of Geralt of Rivia, the eponymous Witcher of the series. The game focuses on his quest to track down the Wild Hunt, an all powerful force that Geralt is searching for. Along the way, he will predictably be waylaid by numerous sidequests, all of which will help him build up to the conclusion.

These include the new monster hunting quests- taking on requests from the villagers, the Witcher shall be able to hunt down monsters in a dynamic game world, complete with a weather and day and night system. The game world itself is a massive 35 times the size of the world in The Witcher 2, and is fully free roaming and explorable. It now includes fast travel options for Geralt, and you can traverse the entirety of it on foot, or by horse. The combat system in The Witcher 3 also seems to have gotten a pretty good boost up from the one found in Witcher 2, which, as you will remember, was a bit divisive.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt releases next year for PC and next gen systems. CDProjektRed says you do not need to have played the previous games in the series to enjoy the new entry.

[Thanks, Polygon]

cdprojektredThe Witcher 3