New Trailer For Rambo: The Video Game Looks Cutting Edge

For a 2005 PS2 game, that is.

Look, I’m no graphics obsessed gamer- I can overlook horrible graphical design if the core game content is compelling, you know? Some of my favorite games ever are Nintendo games, and especially of late, Nintendo hasn’t exactly been pushing technical boundaries with their games.

But when you are trying to make a cinematic action game (which is based on a thirty year old action movie to begin with), then making your game look like, well, crap, is pretty inexcusable. I mean, just look at that trailer. Even if the premise of the game were to sound interesting (it doesn’t, it sounds like pretty much every other action game on the market), the graphics are bad.This game would have been acceptable back on the PS2, or as an early generation Xbox 360 title. For those who lost track, we are currently on PS4.

I mean, none of this is to say that it won’t be a fun game (it might be one, even if it is generic), but still, maybe you want to make a better first impression, guys!

If you are still interested in this game, it’s hitting PS3 later this year.

Rambo: The Videogame