New Unreal Engine 4 Demonstration Video Looks Phenomenal

Unreal Engine 4 looks amazing.

Unreal Engine 3 was the go to choice for third party developers developing cross platform games last generation, and Epic is trying to ensure it continues on with that success (especially in the face of renewed competition from Unity, DICE, and Crytek) with Unreal Engine 4.

Unreal Engine 4 is highly scaleable, which allows it to run on any device from your smartphone to the highest end PC, and everything in between (yes, that includes Wii U too; no, it’s not too weak to run it, in spite of what your fellow console warrior might have told you).

In this video above, Epic talks about and demonstrates some of the notable, salient features of this new engine, and it sounds pretty damn amazing. I can’t wait to see what kinds of things developers will manage to do with it once they get a hang of things on it.

Stay tuned for more coverage.

Epic Gamesunreal engine 4