Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge Releasing for Wii U on January 11th 2013

Get ready for the next Ninja Gaiden...again.

Turns out we might not be getting Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor’s Edge as early as we thought, but given that it improves on the core game experience so much, it might be worth the wait when it eventually releases on January 11th 2013. The game is boasting new weapons, new characters, a revamped battle system and tons of blood-letting to satisfy those left wanting by the initial release.

What are some of the more noticeable improvements? Instead of three weapons, this time Ryu will get six: Sword, claws, scythe, dual katana, staff and kusari-gama. The number of Ninpo spells has also increased from 1 to 3.

One of the bigger additions is Ayane, who will have her own story missions, can be played in the normal missions, and even take part in co-op excursions of ultraviolence with Ryu. Tecmo Koei has promised more characters in subsequent DLC that will arrive post the game’s release.

The enemy AI has been totally revamped this time, ensuring the enemies put up a more decent fight this time around. There will also be access to Test of Valor areas, wherein players will beat down enemies and classic Ninja Gaiden boss characters for (we imagine) rewards of some kind. With the Wii U edition, you can also count on the Wii U gamepad coming into play in its own ways.

And dismemberment. Oh sweet dismemberment, how we’ve missed you. Odd to find it on a Nintendo console of all places, but beggars can’t be choosers.

ninja gaiden 3: razor's edgeTeam Ninjatecmo-koeiwii u