Ninja Theory: “Enslaved should have done better”; no plans for a sequel

Last year’s Enslaved: Odyssey to the West was an absolutely wonderful game, and while we did point out some flaws in the game, like many other publications, we did like the game lot… like many other publications.

However, Enslaved did not really sell well, and Ninja Theory, currently working on the Devil May Cry reboot DmC, has stated that they have no plans for an Enslaved 2. Bummer.

“Enslaved should have done better,” studio co-founder Tameem Antoniades said in and interview in the latest issue of Edge. “Right now we should have been doing a sequel and perfecting that sequel and doing what franchises do, which is get better over time.

“[But] because that didn’t happen we’ve not expanded to two teams like we intended to. So we’ve remained a smaller shop. But now we get another chance with DMC.”

That’s a letdown. We really hoped we’d see more of the wonderful world of Enslaved. Ah, well, I guess someday Ninja Theory might come to their senses… hopefully.

EnslavedEnslaved 2Enslaved: Odyssey to the WestNamco BandaiNinja Theory