Nintendo 3DS and Final Fantasy 12 Top The Charts In Latest Japanese Media Create Numbers

The launch of the New 2DS XL mixes things up.

The latest Media Create sales numbers for Japan are now out, and the Nintendo 3DS has won a resounding and thoroughly convincing victory on the hardware front, with almost 59,000 units sold. The victory comes on the back of the release of the New Nintendo 2DS XL, which also launched in Japan last week. The PS4, with 36,000 units sold, was second place, while the still supply constrained Switch came in third place, with 32,000 units sold.

On the software front, Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age topped charts, with 100,000 units sold, and Hey Pikmin coming in second, with 66,000 units sold. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, ARMS, and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild all held extremely well, as well.

Next week’s charts will be interesting, because Splatoon 2 launches this Friday, and it sounds like Nintendo has a full restock of the Switch planned to coincide with it, too. How Japan reacts will definitely be interesting to see.

Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac AgeJapanNintendo 3DSps4