Nintendo 3DS E3 2013 Showcase: New Trailers for Zelda, Mario & Luigi, Yoshi’s New Island and More

What does Nintendo have in store for the 3DS? A lot, it turns out.

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Along with the usual AAA announcements and trailers for anticipated Wii U titles, Nintendo President Satoru Iwata also revealed some new trailers for upcoming 3DS games at today’s Nintendo Direct for E3 2013.

First off is Shin Megami Tensei IV, the first official new entry to the main series in almost 10 years. The game has already seen some good success in Japan and will be launching in North America on July 16th with a release in Europe in the third quarter of 2013.

Then we have Mario & Luigi: Dream Team, the follow-up in the RPG franchise starring the famous Mario Bros. This game is a little bit different, and involves some Inception-level tweaking to allow Luigi to help out Mario in various dream battles. It looks as cool as it sounds when we say that means lots of little Luigis running around, causing havoc. It releases on July 12th in Europe and August 11th in North America.

Next up is The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, the so-called sequel to the classic Super NES title. Director Eiji Aonuma has already revealed that he’s trying some new things with this title. See if you can notice the same in the latest trailer. Other additions like the bow and megaton hammer reappear, along with the Dark World. Look out for the game to release later this year.

Yoshi’s New Island is the final 3DS title which received a new trailer. As part of the Yoshi’s Island franchise, which spun off from Super Mario World 2, Yoshi’s New Island will be handled by a relatively new developer in Arzest. Check out the first trailer for the game above.

3DSAtluse3 2013Mario & Luigi: Dream TeamNintendonintendo directShin Megami Tensei IVThe Legend of Zelda: A Link Between WorldsYoshi's New Island