Nintendo 3DS New Firmware Update Released

Guess what it does.

The Nintendo 3DS may be in its twilight years – Nintendo cannot reasonably expect to support it for longer now, in spite of rumors claiming that they will see it through at least 2017 – but for now, it still remains Nintendo’s primary platform until the Switch is out. So it shouldn’t come as a surprise that Nintendo continues to support the system as their primary one even now. That includes not just new game releases, but new firmware updates for the system, too.

A new firmware update – 11.2.0-35 – is now available to download. The update is another entry in the classic, long running saga of stability updates, as it makes absolutely no front facing changes whatsoever, and just makes “further improvements to overall system stability and other minor adjustments to enhance the user experience.”

My 3DS is the most stable system on the market right now. Only the PS4 can give it run for its money.

NintendoNintendo 3DS