Nintendo Admits That Limited Stock Was The Reason For New 3DS’s Delayed Western Launch

'We should have done things differently.'

The New Nintendo 3DS and New Nintendo 3DS XL just launched in the west two weeks ago, and they were extremely successful; that said, they were also a long time coming, launching nearly four years after the original model launched way back in 2011, and about a half year after the new models launched in Japan.

The reason for that latter development was, it turns out, because of limited internal stock of the handheld.

“Regarding New Nintendo 3DS, the quantity that was produced before the end of last year or the amount that was delivered to consumers was limited,” Nintendo president Satoru Iwata said in an investors’ Q&A session published earlier today. “Hence, we had to make a difficult decision on whether it was acceptable or not to cause a worldwide shortage of New Nintendo 3DS. As a result, (based on the different diffusion levels of the preceding models), we made the decision to launch it in 2015 in Europe and the U.S.”

But considering just how well received the new models are, and how successful they have been in reinvigorating 3DS sales, wouldn’t Nintendo have been better served in turning a profit and meeting its forecast goals for the 3DS (which they had to end up lowering) if they had just sucked it up and launched the New 3DS in the west anyway?

Iwata agrees.

“In hindsight, the actual results and the reactions to the launch of New Nintendo 3DS tell me that you are absolutely correct in assuming that the results would have been different if it were launched within 2014.”

Well, I mean, it’s water under the bridge now. At least the New 3DS is finally here now, and you know what, it’s absolutely awesome. Go get one if you haven’t already.

new nintendo 3dsNintendoNintendo 3DS