Nintendo Announcement Being Teased For GameStop Expo- Rumor

Could it be NX?

At this point, we’re so starved for NX news that we literally jump on even the slightest hint of a hint of movement on Nintendo’s side, and we cling on to it for all that it’s worth. In this case, we have scattered social media stories and interactions that seem to hint at Nintendo planning an announcement of some nature come Wednesday, at the GameStop Expo.

As noticed by NeoGAF, Kevin Periera (host of Attack of the Show and the recent Nintendo World Championships) recently tweeted “Anaheim. Nintendo. GameStop. Let’s get cozy.” This prompted speculation straight up that there was something being planned for the GameStop Expo- and fuel to the fire was added when two of the stories that he had shared on Snapchat, both of which confirm that he is preparing for some Nintendo themed event. But what? When someone pointed out to him on Twitter that he had sparked off fresh round of NX speculation, all he said is, ‘where there is smoke…’

So could this be it? After a year and a half of stringing everybody along, could Nintendo be preparing an announcement of the NX out of nowhere on Wednesday, at the GameStop Expo? Does that even make sense? There was report earlier in the month that Nintendo will unveil the NX by TGS– this would fit in the timeline. But is this really it?

NintendoNintendo NX