Nintendo Announces Metroid Prime 4

Is this a dream?

It’s finally happened, everyone. Ten years ago, Nintendo released Metroid Prime 3: Corruption for the Wii, and since then, the franchise has gone dark. Sure, there’s been the odd forgettable spinoff here and there, including Federation Force for the 3DS and that one game called Other M on the Wii that we wish had never happened. Fans have been clamouring for a proper Metroid Prime sequel for ages, and Nintendo have finally listened.

At their E3 press event earlier today, Nintendo officially announced Metroid Prime 4. They shared no details about it- only the name of the game and the fact that it is currently in development for the Switch. We don’t even know who’s developing it. Retro Studios would be a safe bet, of course, but it wasn’t confirmed during the showing. The trailer with which they revealed the game just showed the name of the game with some very Metroid-y music playing in the background. We don’t even have a release date yet.

But none of that matters! It’s happening! It’s actually happening! After all this time! We’re going to have another Metroid game- that’s cause for celebration all by itself. We’re hoping for more information on the game soon down the line, so stay tuned to GamingBolt for continued coverage. Meanwhile, watch the announcement trailer below if you haven’t done so already.

E3 2017metroid prime 4Nintendonintendo switchretro studios